Our Idea

We thought the best way to answer the question of ‘how do you inspire young people to visit and engage with nature?’ would be to ask young people themselves.

In the kick off phase, we selected 11 groups of 15-25 year olds who shared their creative ideas with us on how they believe they can engage other young people to visit nature. We are currently helping them put their projects into practice with some guided mentorship and workshops.

Together, we are documenting the case studies to discover more about the motivations of young people, what engages them with nature and identify whether young people can be the agents of change in stimulating a movement of love and care for nature.

Their creative ideas

The groups are aiming to engage and inspire young people through a range of mediums including urban design and planning, film, social media, research, community events, art, music, youth leadership and education.

What are we up to?