“The Nature Project” film

by environmental science and media communications students, Jennifer, Graham, Madeleine, Holly and Joshua; with mentors Zhan and Tanya.

Our mission is to improve young people’s wellbeing through reinvigorating their innate connection with nature, and to create a sustainable future through their engagement and interaction. We want to see an increase in the number of young people visiting to natural places such a National Parks, understanding the healing powers of nature (mental and physical), its services nature, and the importance of protecting it.

We believe by getting out there ourselves and ‘re-branding’ the image of nature, people will be inspired to get involved. A great point from the world parks congress was that telling people what to do is not effective, we don’t want to force anything. We will simply practice what we preach and hopefully others will follow.

We will convey this in the form of a short film shot in natural areas around Sydney. We will share the beauty nature beholds on social media, and hope the to evoke a large-scale connection and encouragement of pro-environmental behaviour and self-realisation.

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