“Inspiring young people with music”

by high school student and musician, Meagan (OzGREEN); with mentor Sue Lennox.

I joined The (re)generation Project to inspire young people to get reconnected with nature and experience the adventure, love and joy that can arise from being in nature.

In my project I am specifically addressing the issue of awareness on environmental issues and their consequences on all living things on earth. I want the audience of my project to be inspired about nature and be encouraged to explore their surroundings, ‘smell the roses’, in a sense. I want the audience to take a deep breath and think about the actions they take and the consequences that come about through their decisions. I want them to ponder on the environment and discover the experiences that can arise through taking steps into nature.

My campaign is targeting any youtuber, student, social media artist, and anyone who has access to music around the world. Music is a universal language but social media would be a major part in this process as a communication channel.

The overall impact of my project is to give people a fun, inviting an universal medial in which they can be education though and create awareness and craze that will spread to the world and gain momentum to finally be taken seriously.

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