“#1Selfie4Nature” social media campaign

by high school students, Angus, Aidan, Ben and Peter; with mentors Mareshell and Angela;

#1Selfie4Nature is a campaign to get people to share a picture of themselves in nature on social media sites and encourage others to get outside to enjoy nature as we do.

We are addressing the issue of the gradual disconnection between youth and nature by taking advantage of social media trends, or more specifically, “selfies”. “#1Selfie4Nature” is targeting young people (15-25 years), a demographic already familiar with social media trends such as “selfies” enhancing its appeal.

We will spread our campaign via Facebook and Instagram, school announcements, newspapers as well as other public relations strategies.

We are hoping that our campaign’s impact with be ground-breaking but we’ll be happy if we only manage to encourage a single person to go out and cherish nature more than they ever had before.

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